New Year, New Army – For a new system too!

I’ve been enjoying the Adeptus Mechanicus faction for Legions Imperialis since it was released a month or two ago – playing a fair few games from 750 points to begin with up to a 3000pt game including 2 Warlord titans more recently. They are a really fun challenge to play on the table, especially as they only have their initial launch units available so far, so any lists are lacking in tanks and fliers in particular. I’ve been plugging holes in lists with either my Legio Mortis Titans, or Knights from House Morbidia. It’s certainly sparked my hobby mojo for the tiny-cutesy-murderbots, avoiding the fleshy-meatsack options wherever possible. What came next was certainly unexpected though…

There’s always been an itch in the back of my hobby-brain to dip in to 28mm gaming more, and I’ve tried several times to break into 40k (3rd,4th,5th, 8th,9th and most recently 10th), but it’s never really stuck for whatever reason. With the addition of Legions Imperialis to our regular pool of games at Big Stompy Robots alongside Adeptus Titanicus and Aeronautica Imperialis – there’s a real excitement for the Horus Heresy Era in general, and a few of us are looking to dip our toes in the new year.

With that in mind, I’ll be picking up a few boxes from the North East Model Centre over the next few days to make a start on an upscaled version of my 8mm Pact of Morbidia force.

In keeping with the 8mm theme, I’ll be taking as few flesh-bags as possible, so expect a highly mechanical force, focusing on murder-bots big and small. I think the plan is to do a slow-grow style introduction to the game, with a view to incorporating the system into our ongoing narrative campaign. I’ve scribbled out a force to around 850 points, so we’ll see how that goes.